Pet Policy
Refundable Deposit: $300
Non-Refundable pet fee: $150
Monthly Fee: $35 per pet
The following restrictions on pets will apply:
Domestic cats, dogs, small birds, small fish will be allowed as long as they fit into the guidelines of this document.
Some breed restrictions apply (See below). No animal that has attacked a human or domestic animal will be welcomed into the community or allowed to stay if it is already there. We do not allow any dogs that are commonly recognized as a bully breed.
In properties without a private, fenced yard there will be a weight limit of 40 lbs. per animal.
A maximum of two dogs OR two cats OR one dog and one cat will be allowed in each private unit.
All pet owners are expected to maintain their animals in disease free condition through vaccination.
Dogs are only allowed on common property when on a leash.
Dogs are allowed to be unsupervised in private back yards, provided they are not annoying other members by barking or causing damage to fences or to the yard.
Cat owners are responsible for the actions of their cats and for ensuring that they do not adversely affect other residents. Residents will be required to comply with all city ordinances including leash laws.
Pet owners must retrieve and dispose of their pets’ excrement on ALL common property and other members’ private yards. In the event that it is not clear which pet is the culprit, any owner of an outdoor pet can be considered responsible for cleaning up pet excrement in outdoor common areas upon notification.
All cats and dogs must be either spayed or neutered. Residents will bring proof of vaccination and spay/neuter to the leasing office. All animals must be registered with the city. Residents will bring proof of registration to the leasing office.
No pets will be allowed inside common buildings.
Pet owners are responsible for repairing any damage done by their pets in the common areas.
We do not allow the following breeds: ​
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier
German Shepard
Chow Chow
Siberian Husky
Alaskan Malamute
Great Dane
Wolf Hybrids
English Mastiff
Cane Corso
Boer Boel
Fila Brasileiro
Perro de Presca Canario
Bully Kutta
Japanese Tosa
Rhodesian Ridgeback